About Aleph

ALEPH is Canada’s first Persian lifestyle magazine based in Vancouver dedicated to giving the Iranian community and its businesses a voice. It sheds light on what is important and relevant at the present moment, bridging the gap between the East and the West.We believe that luxury is encompassed in the exclusive, in the unique, in the never-before-seen or experienced. Whether that is through fine dining, luxury automobiles, high-end fashion or premium travel destinations, high quality products and services play a important role in refining our experiences and inspiring us to seek out more. ALEPH is a seasonal magazine that offers a space both in print and online for people and high-end businesses to connect. It effortlessly allows Westerners to gain a better, more authentic understanding of Persian culture and traditions, while helping Iranians living in Canada discover Western customs and values.
Mission Statement
ALEPH’s goal as a Farsi and English lifestyle magazine is to connect the East and the West through a shared love for excellence, inspiration and beauty.
Vision Statement
We aim to become Canada’s finest Persian magazine, uniting and inspiring Iranian communities across Canada with meaningful, beautifully curated content.
President & Editor in chief
Farhad Mehrabi
Account Manager
Saloumeh Raeesi
Art Director
Roya Momeni
Layout Design Artist
Saloumeh Raeesi
Copy Editors
Elene Boycheva
Kamran Safari
Digital Artist
Matheus Wohlenberg
Web Specialist
Zin Ng
Special Thanks to Christopher Dallin
To Get More Information About Aleph,
Download The Media kit

More information
(236) 808 6748