Who is the most inspirational person to you?
I get inspired very easily. I love looking for inspiration, i love being open to inspiration and that’s why I don’t have a specific person who inspires me, I find inspiration in a lot of people.
Do you see yourself as an influencer? And how do you feel about the influencer title?
I don’t feel I’m an influencer, it has just become a title for most of us who have a large following. I just share my life and share what I think can benefit my viewers and inspire and motivate them to be the best version of themselves. I love using my platform to show women they don’t have to be one thing, you can be a mom and still be fit, you can own businesses while doing it all.
What is your favorite thing about what you do?
My favorite thing about what I do is the fact that I meet so many different people from all around the world, and I’ve made friends with so many people online. I love that I get to connect with so many women who share the same interests and who love what I’m putting out there on social media. It encourages me to keep going.
What are the main challenges of being a mother, a business woman, a dedicated gym-goer, and an active influencer all at the same time?
One challenge I would say is managing my time. It’s something I must constantly work on, learning to master time management.

What motivated you to run your own business, Sé Jewelry?
My dad has been in the gold and diamond industry for over 40 years, so I definitely did get inspired by him. The right time and opportunity presented itself with one of my friends and the business bloomed so effortlessly. When you love something so much just trust in the timing and things fall in to place perfectly.
I wanted to do something with jewellery with my dad 10 years ago, and I’m so glad that I didn’t at the time, because it simply wasn’t the right time.
Who would you like to give credit to for your success?
My husband helped me and pushed me a lot to just get out there and not be hesitant. Another influencer Ascia also really helped me as she would share pictures of us together and that helped kick off my social media journey.
What is the biggest failure that significantly changed your life?
I’ve started a couple of businesses in the past that simply didn’t work out. And I had to stop being so hard on myself and accept the fact that there will always be failures and I can always learn from those experiences. And I have definitely learned a lot. So I take those lessons with me when I’m starting something new.
What is the one thing that you always keep in your mind while preparing your content? Do you know the demographics of your followers?
I do know the demographics and I like sharing true genuine content. That’s the only way I work. I also know that my viewers know me so well as most of them have been supporting me for years and vice versa, so I share what I know they like to see.
Your husband, Hassan, is from Kuwait. No doubt that you have many Kuwaiti followers. Have you found similarities between the two cultures? Any challenges connecting with them?
I wouldn’t say there are challenges v connecting with the different cultures because my husband and I both love and embrace our different cultures and backgrounds and we make sure to celebrate both. Especially that our kids are half Iranian half Kuwaiti. It’s beautiful because we get to celebrate the best of both worlds.
What is next for Yalda Golsharifi in 2023?
We shall wait and see!
Rapid-Fire Questions
How would your best friend describe you?
I just asked her and she said “Most authentic and genuine soul. Giving and loving yet feisty when needed to protect her loved ones” lol
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Stubborn, determined, empathic, calm and goal driven
What is your own definition of happiness?
Being able to fully accept and love every bit of where I am. I look at my surroundings and appreciate and live in gratitude.
What makes you smile and what scares you the most?
My kids definitely warm my heart. They’re my heart. What scares me the most is definitely the same as everyone’s fears- my family coming into harms way. I pray for their safety and protection always.
If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?
Beyoncé! Lol I find her so inspirational. She seems so down to earth and shy but when she’s on stage she’s out of this world!
Best advice ever given?
Every time I’ve gotten anxious or overwhelmed with work, my husband reminds me to just stop everything and take as long as I need to disconnect, calm down, rest, and take it easy. Absolutely NOTHING should make you anxious or stress you out. It’s not worth your health. So being able to have the power or strength to say ok I don’t need to do this now is definitely empowering and it makes me realize that you know what, I’ll do it when I’m feeling better and the result always turns out better than if I had done it while stressed and anxious.